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History of 十大正规网赌软件



Medical care was a luxury in the early days of Southeast King County. 少数医生往往骑马渡海到遥远的地方为病人看病. Equipment was scarce and extremely limited. 但勇气和聪明才智往往在先驱医生手中占上风,就像今天一样. 在19世纪末, 肯特和伦顿的大部分医疗服务包括煤矿和伐木营地的急救服务.

到1911年. Adolph Bronson would lay the foundation for caring for the community like family. Norwegian-born and California-trained, Dr. 布朗森最初在他位于伦顿主街的家中照顾邻居和居民. 1911年,他建造了该地区的第一家医院,布朗森医院,在他家对面的街道上. For decades, this modest, two-story building served all comers.

The arrival of nurses was one of the great medical milestones of the time. Living on the second floor of Bronson Hospital, 这些熟练的专业人员看到源源不断的来自伐木营地和煤矿的事故受害者. In addition to accidents, admission records between 1911 and 1938 indicate influenza, pneumonia and childbirth were frequent causes of illness and death.

In the decades that followed, 要在该地区维持高水平的医疗服务,需要的不仅仅是卓越的临床技能. A single physician and five nurses could no longer meet the growing need for care.


During the 1940s Renton’s population nearly quadrupled, largely as a result of heightened military operations. 公民领袖, including members of the Renton Chamber of Commerce, leveraged the wartime efforts to build a more modern hospital.

Opened in 1945 on Rainier Avenue at the current site of McLendon Hardware, 也就是以前的Kmart, 全新的伦顿医院采用独特的轮辐设计,被亲切地称为“马车轮”.” 

这个新, state-of-the-art facility cost $600,000 and was initially intended to be a short-term solution during the war effort.

当时,人们认为分散的马车轮设计可能对潜在的轰炸起到威慑作用, 然而, it turned out to be a very challenging design for efficient patient care. 伦顿医院的第一位病人是波音公司的一名工人,他的脚受了伤,第一个出生的婴儿是波音公司一名工程师的儿子. 

虽然联邦基金支付了新医院的费用,但联邦政府拒绝运营它. Afraid of seeing it close or fall into outside hands, local leaders again stepped forward, this time creating the Valley Hospital Foundation. After a special election, Public Hospital District No. 1 was formally established.

Voters approved a bond issue to purchase Renton Hospital outright, ensuring at long last the community would control its own medical services. Today t在这里 are 56 public hospital districts in Washington state and Valley, the first and the largest, was a model for those that followed. 在20世纪50年代和60年代,作为二战期间临时解决方案而建造的马车轮医院显然正在迅速恶化,需要一个新家. 伦顿的领导们加入了肯特的行列,并制定了在一个新的地点建立一个经得起时间考验的新设施的计划.

Healing Vision

In 1965, 医院的名字改为十大正规网赌软件综合医院,其董事会委托世界著名建筑师设计了一个引人注目的新校园, 爱德华·达雷尔·斯通, celebrated for his work on the Kennedy Center, Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Embassy in New Delhi. Before it even served its first patient, 董事会通过的核心理念至今仍反映在我们的护理承诺中,即促进预防, 教育, equitable care and collaboration.

在1967年通过700万美元的债券发行之前,员工和社区有机会看到新医院的模型,反馈非常热烈. 单人房, 80年天窗, 众多的水景和宁静的景观花园是这个美丽的主要特征, 愈合的空间.

1969年11月,位于180街的新十大正规网赌软件总医院首次亮相,全国各地纷纷发来贺电. 长期支持者, 参议员沃伦·马格努森(Warren Magnuson)写道:“没有哪个地区比你所在的地区更值得使用最新的医学和医院护理技术, which has given the United States so much in the way of new air and space technology.”

And the senator wasn’t exaggerating. 波音公司在美国宇航局的阿波罗太空计划中发挥了主导作用,迅速进入了喷气机和太空时代, 月球漫步者, the Supersonic Transport (SST), hydrofoils and many other inventions. The result was an influx of jobs, people and housing. 另一家伦顿公司负责那个时代的标志之一,太空针塔. Built as the highlight of the 1962 World’s Fair, the structure is supported by steel manufactured at Pacific Care & 铸造厂,后来更名为PACCAR,也为世界贸易中心提供钢材.

Valley General Hospital offered the latest technology and 设备. Gases and oxygen were piped in. Doctors carried portable radios to eliminate noisy and distracting loudspeakers. Elaborate monitoring systems, closed-circuit TV and security systems were added. 该建筑有空调和防火,并设有高效的供暖和气动废物处理系统. 开业一年内,十大正规网赌软件医院的医务人员增加了两倍多,从43人增加到184人.

急救护理 Debuts

急救护理 was provided from Valley’s earliest days, but wasn’t offered around the clock until 1969. 与此同时, 院前护理和紧急反应随着护理人员和医疗一号的引入而取得了巨大的飞跃. The first class trained at Harborview in 1970 greatly improved survival rates, bringing new life to the term life-saving care.

院前护理的进步被普吉特海湾地区的一项重要发明进一步放大, the portable defibrillator. 插管提供气道和除颤使心脏重新启动是有价值的工具,以前在该领域没有, dramatically improving emergency care and outcomes. As our community expanded, so did Valley’s responsibility and expertise to provide the crucial resources, 设备, training and staff to meet the growing needs.

Unfortunately, 到1972年,全国性的经济衰退使普吉特海湾地区陷入了严重的衰退 that lasted most of that decade. 十大正规网赌软件经受住了波动的经济条件,就像它总是面对其他挑战一样. Fortunately, at Valley leadership remained very stable. 

In fact, since 1947 t在这里 have only been four administrators: J.C. Lund, William Murray, Rich Roodman和Valley的第一位女性CEO Jeannine Erickson Grinnell. By 1984, Valley General Hospital was renamed 十大正规网赌软件 到1986年, the Valley Family Medicine Residency opened, 一个以社区为基础的研究生医学教育项目,致力于培养高素质的家庭医生.

Care for the 21st Century

By the turn of the century, the population of South King County had skyrocketed. To meet the growing need for medical services, Valley nearly doubled in size and then kept right on growing.

Key projects to help meet the needs of a rapidly increasing population:

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关心今天 & 除了

十大正规网赌软件诊所网络由初级保健诊所组成,作为护理管理的医疗之家, 紧急护理诊所,提供下班后护理和上门咨询和治疗的安全网, 还有50多家专科诊所,在整个地区提供方便的服务.

初级护理卫生合作伙伴 & 健康
十大正规网赌软件的初级保健提供者是我们患者的个人健康倡导者. 初级医疗服务提供者与患者合作,在生命的各个阶段监测和改善健康状况, and coordinate care with specialty physicians as needed.



紧急护理: Walk-in Medical 服务
VMC的紧急护理消除了对不危及生命的疾病的等待和急诊室的费用. 突发疾病, 轻伤, 以及其他服务, 患者可以选择不预约的上门服务和下班后的护理,也可以在网上排队,省去等待的时间. Telehealth appointments available.



专业护理: Extensive Network of Specialists
VMC提供了一个全面的委员会认证专家网络,以满足您整个家庭的医疗保健需求. 从数字乳房x光检查到皮肤病学,从肿瘤学到神经病学,我们已经为您提供了服务.



From Valley’s MyChart patient portal to telehealth visits for primary, urgent and specialty care, patients can communicate with their doctor, make and manage appointments, get care remotely from the comfort of 首页, 接入测试结果, request prescription refills and more.



From a great work environment to exceptional patient care, we’re pleased to say 十大正规网赌软件 earns high marks across the board.


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