Apple Health Expansion for Immigrants:
如果你住在华盛顿州,你可能有资格注册苹果健康扩展保险, even if you immigrated to the United States and/or are undocumented. Learn more.


Puede que要求在Apple Health Expansion(苹果健康扩展服务)中使用符合条件的签名, incluso si usted inmigró a los Estados Unidos y/o es indocumentado. Aprende más.

Better Cancer Care, Close to Home

A cancer diagnosis is frightening for anyone. 患者及其家属纠结的问题之一是如何找到最好的护理,以及他们是否可以获得这种护理. For many residents of South King County, 去西雅图接受癌症治疗根本不是一种选择——尤其是频繁的预约或每次持续数小时的输液治疗. 即使是那些负担得起时间和交通费用的人,如果能在离家更近的地方接受治疗,也能得到更好的服务, at an institution they know and trust, with family and friends by their side.

十大正规网赌软件建立了一个强大的癌症护理项目,该项目已经大大超出了目前的能力,并且出于需要分散在十大正规网赌软件校园内. Care coordination has become increasingly difficult, with providers located in different areas of the hospital and in separate clinics; patients have to experience the added stress of going to multiple locations on campus for their testing, care, and treatment. A single facility will provide more research opportunities, better caregiver collaboration, ease of patient stress and an improved experience.

感谢许多人的支持-从我们的董事会和整个高级领导团队到我们的肿瘤学领导者, providers and caregivers, to Valley Girls & Guys and over 500 individual and corporate donors – we are thrilled to announce construction of the initial phase (Phase 1A) of the new Cancer Center has begun!

“We are witnessing the dawning of a new era in patient care and experience, coming soon for oncology patients in South King County,” shared Jeannine Erickson Grinnell, CEO of Valley Medical Center, at a recent event. Unfortunately, cancer is the leading cause of illness in our community. In addition, much of the population growth happening in our region is happening in Southeast King County, 对癌症服务的需求大大增加,对试图在离家近的地方获得癌症治疗的患者提出了重大挑战. 十大正规网赌软件新的综合癌症中心将拥有价值6000万美元的最先进的设施,并扩大我们社区需要的服务,就在他们的后院.

南金县的患者和家属应该得到全面的癌症治疗,而不必再去西雅图或塔科马进行漫长而紧张的通勤. They deserve expanded and accessible treatment options, clinical services, and support resources. And they deserve a sanctuary of hope, help, and healing that is truly coordinated.

Phase 1A will provide a better, more efficient care experience, and innovative treatment in a healing environment. Located on the 3rd floor of our new East Pavilion, this initial phase, once completed, 将有41个输液中心,包括9个私人和半私人房间和3个快速通道治疗椅, compounding pharmacy, reception area, lab, symptom management services, and the Trapper and Samantha Wellbeing Resource Center. Phase 1A will be completed in early 2025!

Fundraising is continuing, focused on the remaining $45M needed to complete phases 1B and 2. 1B期包括3层的剩余部分,将容纳新的肿瘤和血液学诊所和多学科诊所,用于患者/护理团队会议和治疗计划. It will also include a café space designed for loved ones to enjoy food, coffee, and respite. Phase 2 will focus on the 1st floor and house Radiation Therapy and oncology imaging. 每一位捐赠者和筹集的每一美元都使我们更接近我们的目标,为我们的社区打开这个综合性癌症中心的大门.

Integration of all cancer care departments, including hematology and oncology, radiation oncology, the Breast Center, screening and genetics, rehabilitation services, and support services

Care conference suites for meetings between patients and their multidisciplinary team of providers

An infusion and immunotherapy center with patient and family orientation areas, a fast-track room for quick procedures, and spacious treatment rooms with recliners, free WiFi, a reading library, heated blankets, snacks and beverages, free interpreter services, and space for friends and family

最先进的辐射技术,提供精确的高剂量治疗,同时最大限度地减少辐射暴露, reducing complications, and ensuring faster recovery times

一个综合性的乳房中心,提供3-D乳房x光检查,由专门的乳房放射科医生和专家支持人员组成,环境舒适,包括温暖的长袍, designer gowns, and original artwork


研究设施,可容纳与癌症预防和筛查相关的一系列临床试验, treatment, symptom management, and post-treatment surveillance


一个支持性护理诊所,支持患者的生活质量决策和疼痛管理的进展, serious illness

Free programs including workshops on nutrition, hair loss, and skin care; a wig, hat, and turban bank; yoga and movement classes; pet therapy teams; and a 24-hour resource hotline

Valley’s team approach to cancer care will be greatly enhanced in the new Center:


多学科会议将汇集病人的整个护理团队,包括病人的初级保健提供者, oncologists, radiologists, pathologists, surgeons, and social workers—to discuss treatment plans and ensure close collaboration. A process that could otherwise take weeks will be completed in a single day.


A financial coordinator will be available to help address financial concerns.



Join the Campaign for Valley's New Cancer Center

Our campaign for the new Cancer Center builds on Valley’s financial strength, legacy of trust within the community, and reputation for delivering compassionate care. 我们的社区非常自豪,因为我们家附近有一家优秀的医院,可以提供卓越的服务,满足任何医疗需求. Cancer is the leading cause of illness within our public hospital district, so consolidating and expanding cancer services is critical.

In keeping with our goal to provide a tranquil, healing and light-filled space, a water theme is being used throughout the Cancer Center. 水元素被整合到每个空间的设计中,以表彰为我们提高社区关怀能力做出贡献的个人和组织,如家庭. 我们提供不同级别的捐赠表彰项目,以彰显我们的社区对癌症中心的支持.

Seaglass colored streams, in a variety of lengths, will fill wood slats on select walls and partitions of the First Floor Waiting Area. Each stream, inscribed with the donor’s name(s) or in honorary recognition, will highlight support at the $5,000 - $19,999 level. 150 opportunities are available.

Dichroic waterfalls, designed to reflect light and in a variety of widths, will line the walls of the Third Floor Waiting Area. Each waterfall, inscribed with the donor’s name(s) or in honorary recognition, will highlight support at the $20,000 - $49,999 level. 25 opportunities are available.

Colored ocean panels will fill windows on The Valley Girls & Guys Bridge of Hope, connecting the Cancer Center with Parking Garage C. 每个面板上都有一个像水一样的纹理波,上面有捐赠者的名字或荣誉表彰. Ocean panels are available for gifts at the $200,000 - $500,000 level. 10 opportunities are available.

All donors who support the campaign at any level 捐款人名单是否会被列在捐款人阅读板和特别通讯及竞选材料上. Additionally, donors will be highlighted in Valley’s Gratitude Report in the corresponding year of their gift.

We invite you to join the campaign and invest in a healthier future for an entire community—a community that reflects increasing vibrancy and diversity, as well as the challenges of population growth and economic disparities. 捐款人和我们一样,希望为南金县居民建立一个创新的癌症中心,他们正在努力实现这一目标. Join them!


“诊断前后的旅程是我们的服务提供者和员工感到非常热情的事情. 我们的团队一直在努力建立一个与患者及其家属建立信任和伙伴关系的癌症治疗项目,鼓励共同决策,并提供卓越和多样化的专家团队的支持.” 
Dr. Navanshu Arora, Medical Director for Cancer Services, Valley Medical Center