Apple Health Expansion for Immigrants:
如果你住在华盛顿州,你可能有资格注册苹果健康扩展保险, even if you immigrated to the United States and/or are undocumented. Learn more.


Puede que要求在Apple Health Expansion(苹果健康扩展服务)中使用符合条件的签名, incluso si usted inmigró a los Estados Unidos y/o es indocumentado. Aprende más.

Maternal Fetal Medicine


In addition to genetic counseling, 我们的母胎医学专家提供超声和其他产前诊断和胎儿手术程序,以监测和管理低至高危妊娠.

Prenatal Testing

十大正规网赌软件母胎医学诊所的围产期医生有2-3年的额外时间, 专门的产科/妇科培训侧重于高危妊娠的评估和管理. 

Pregnancy can be an exciting and confusing time. Before choosing any prenatal tests, 您应该与您的提供者和/或遗传咨询师讨论这些信息. By doing so, 您将获得您需要的信息,为您和您的宝宝做出最好的决定.  

Why Consider Prenatal Testing? 

Most babies are born healthy, 但所有孕妇都有3%到5%的几率生出先天缺陷或发育迟缓的婴儿. 一些父母选择产前检查是为了保证或帮助发现一些健康问题. Your test results can reassure you that your baby is healthy, 帮助你为有特殊需要的婴儿做好准备,或者在发现严重问题时提醒你. 

Prenatal Genetic Testing:
Making an Informed Decision

 View this informative video series 
(Courtesy of the Department of Health)

Should You Consider Genetic Carrier Screening?
Learn morePrueba de detección de portador genético.

Should You Consider Genetic Counseling?
如果你担心遗传的健康风险或不知道你的家族健康史, genetic counseling may be helpful.

Diagnostic Tests

CVS绒毛膜绒毛取样包括在第11周至第13周之间从胎盘中取出少量组织. 医生用细针穿过孕妇的腹部取出这些组织, or through the vagina with a thin tube. UItrasound is used to help guide the doctor during the procedure. Though this procedure is not offered at Valley Medical Center, your provider can refer you to the right resource.

Amniocentesis羊膜穿刺术包括去除少量羊水(包裹婴儿的水)。. 医生使用超声波帮助引导细针穿过孕妇的腹部来获得这种液体. 该测试在16周后的任何时间进行,可以在我们的MFM诊所进行.

Fetal echocardiogram也被称为心脏超声,用于观察婴儿心脏的工作情况. 这项测试由专门诊断胎儿心脏缺陷的心脏病专家阅读. It's a simple, 无痛手术是一种无痛的手术,其原理与在孕妇子宫内为婴儿拍摄超声波照片的方法相同. Click here for the Fetal Echo Referral Form.

在怀孕期间,您可以选择产前筛查和/或诊断测试. 筛查测试显示孕妇是否有患某些疾病的风险(如唐氏综合症)。, but cannot actually diagnose them. Most screening tests require a blood draw. 有些人还使用颈部半透明(NT)超声来测量婴儿颈部后部的液体. Screening tests do not increase the risk for miscarriage. 从筛选试验的信息可用于决定是否有诊断试验,如绒毛膜绒毛取样(CVS)或羊膜穿刺术. 产前诊断测试用于诊断某些疾病,如怀孕期间的唐氏综合症. 向所有孕妇提供诊断测试,以检测胎儿染色体状况和/或婴儿面临风险的遗传状况. Prenatal diagnostic tests involve a small risk of miscarriage. 

  1. *可选,选择微缺失疾病和性染色体异常列表
  2. 医生或助产士可以要求进行单独的血液检查,以筛查脊柱裂,准确率为80%.

What if my prenatal screen is positive?
REMEMBER: A screening test only estimates the chance for certain conditions, and it cannot give or rule out a diagnosis. 筛查结果呈阳性并不意味着婴儿一定有问题. 遗传咨询师可以帮助你了解结果,并与你一起决定是否应该进行产前诊断测试.

Are these procedures safe?  
母胎医学医生是在高危妊娠和特殊手术方面有多年经验的专家. 最近的研究表明,CVS或羊膜穿刺术后并发症和流产的风险是非常低的经验丰富的提供者,如我们. These procedures are available, but not required. 

Will my activities be restricted following my procedure?  
手术后,你可以做大多数正常的活动,包括走路和开车. For the next 24 hours, you should not lift anything heavier than 10 pounds, participate in strenuous activity or exercise, or have sexual intercourse.

When do I receive results?
Results are usually ready in about 2 weeks. 一有结果,遗传咨询师就会给你打电话讨论. Your doctor/midwife will also receive a notice about your results.

Will a normal test guarantee a normal baby? 
No. CVS和羊膜穿刺术都可以识别染色体状况,如唐氏综合症,有时也用于检测其他遗传状况. 然而,这些测试并不能检测到所有的遗传疾病或出生缺陷. 

How can I learn more about my options? 
您可以通过与您的医生/助产士交谈或致电我们母婴医学诊所的调度人员与遗传咨询师预约,了解更多有关您的选择. 他们周一到周五都有空,可以通过远程医疗为病人看病.

Will my insurance cover my prenatal screening tests?
保险公司在确定检测的覆盖范围时,通常会考虑标准的医疗指南. 美国医学遗传学学院和美国妇产科学院都建议常规提供这些检测. If you have questions about your own plan, coverage and out of pocket costs, we recommend you speak with your insurer.

How can I prepare for my genetic counseling visit?
Please bring any and all available genetic testing records, as well as relevant information about your family health history. 这是一种常规的筛查工具,以确保我们为患者提供最合适的护理, and you may share as much or as little as you are comfortable with. 


Service Location

Maternal Fetal Medicine | VMC Specialty Care

Medical Arts Center
4033 Talbot Rd S Ste 450
Renton, WA 98055
Call 425.690.3477 Fax 425.690.9477